Chapter 134

′′ I’m sorry, but I have to go home, today I have something very important to do, but don’t worry we’ll play another day I promise. ′′ A soft and tender voice echoed at the outer edge of Desmond’s house, the voice could not belong to anyone but the fairy Kyuru who was saying goodbye to her friend.

′′ Kurururu! Okay, but you have to promise that you will go hunting with me the next time I invite you. ′′ Answered a voice slightly high and melodious like a canary.

If Desmond or Claire were present and witnessed this moment, they probably wouldn’t be able to believe what they were seeing, the fact is that they were both used to seeing Kyuru play and talk with flowers and trees saying that they were her friends; so every time the little fairy said that she had a new friend they assumed that she was referring to the same kind of “friend” that the fairy always talked about.

But at this precise moment in front of the fairy, it wasn′t a flower that was answering Kyuru. . . well wasn′t even possible in the first place, in any case in front of the fairy was a young woman with an almost human appearance; precisely the keyword was “almost”.

The girl was not particularly tall or voluptuous and rather she was the slim type, she had cream-colored hair and yellow eyes, as well as a face that strangely combined the feeling of being wild and adorable at the same time; but what was really important was the girl’s body or more specifically her arms and legs.

Instead of arms, the girl had a large pair of wings, the feathers on them were the same color as her hair with some gray patterns, if the girl spread her wings it is likely that her wingspan would reach three meters long so it can be said that the wings looked slightly large in proportion to the girl’s body; as for her legs, these were basically something you would see in a bird of prey with its extremely sharp claws at the end of its heels.

Indeed the girl in front of Kyuru was extremely similar to the harpies of Greek mythology, only this one, in particular, did not seem as aggressive as they got represents in the classic tales; One particular detail about the girl is that she was the same figure that had followed Desmond on the day of the battle to defend the city walls.

Apparently, the girl had remained near Desmond’s house to observe him having completely forgotten her original mission, it should be noted that the girl was good at hiding given her animal nature, but that did not matter in front of the fairy called Kyuru who with her ridiculous sensitivity to sentient beings found it the first day; but given the nature of both parties the minute they met they became friends and have been playing together ever since.


Returning to the present moment, the bird girl whose name was only known to the fairy happened to fly away after saying goodbye to Kyuru, Kyuru watched her leave for a few moments before heading to the small kiosk where Desmond usually trains; there she meditate for a few moments before going to get some things from the house.

Hours passed and soon Claire came home, after cleaning up the mess left by Kyuru in the morning, she proceeded to take a quick shower, leaving her room with clean clothes and a towel in her hand she seemed to realize that he had not seen the fairy since he had come home; so she proceeded to look for it.

She soon found Kyuru fixing some things in Desmond’s training place, on the stone floor there were four metal urns, the only God could know where the fairy had got them from; As she got closer she realized that Kyuru was in the center of the four urns watching as Claire approached.

′′ You are almost late. ′′ Exclaimed the fairy with a seriousness that was rarely seen in her.

At the claim of the fairy, Claire felt a bit uncomfortable because the fairy had mentioned that he planned to help her today and she did not take it too seriously and took a long time to return home; now seeing the fairy Claire she realized that the fairy was not joking when she said that she would help her.

′′ Forget it, stay on the sidelines and watch, I’ll help you when it’s over there. ′′ Kyuru didn’t wait for Claire’s response before giving her orders and proceeding with what she was doing.

Claire felt even more uncomfortable at Kyuru’s attitude, but knowing that it was her fault, to begin with, and that the fairy was trying to help her; she could only keep silent while she gave the fairy her space to work on whatever she was doing.

The minutes passed while the fairy calmly observed in the direction of the distant sky, a smile was reflected on her face when she saw that the moon had risen in the sky and while the brightness of the moon illuminated the fairy; Kyuru began to shine by herself as if she wanted to show the moon that she was not the only source of beauty and light under the sky.

The glow spread from the body of the little fairy slowly until she herself looked like a small moon, the light soon began to condense little by little so that the illusory image of a moon was consolidating second after second; at the point where the light seemed almost solid, it seemed to break suddenly as if it were a mirror image.

The fragments of light were quickly absorbed by Kyuru’s beautiful wings, her wings always resembling a work of art made of gems soon emitted a radiance that increased her esoteric beauty by several levels.

Seeing all these events unfold in front of her, Claire remained completely dumbfounded with her mouth open as her mind was utter chaos, she couldn’t understand even a bit of what was happening in front of her.

After all, although Claire knew that Kyuru was special, her knowledge of fairies was limited and that was without even taking into account that Kyuru was special even among fairies; at the end of the day, Kyuru wasn’t an origin fairy for nothing.

Kyuru concentrating entirely on the ritual she was performing she ignored the plethora of emotions that she had caused in poor Claire; the fairy closed her eyes as she felt the energy fill her wings before opening them again revealing her pupils like amethysts that now glowed brightly.

′′ it’s time. ′′ Exclaimed the fairy with deep serenity and an innocent but mature smile on his lips.

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