Chapter 38

Now it turns out that the archangel is super sociable, look at her she even caressed the girl from the church as if she were a puppy; oh it can’t be true I think things are about to get into a girl-on-girl romantic mode. . . Nah forget it, they just keep talking.

Damn I’m dying to know what they’re talking about, but I’d rather not die for real so I’m fine without knowing; ok it seems that now if they finished talking.

The church girl bowed once more to Katya before calmly leaving for well I’m not sure where she is going but that is not important, as far as it is important; I guess I’ll start by mentioning that the six wings of the archangel started to emit a strong golden light.

I was wondering what the archangel was doing when something incredibly terrifying happened; she slowly turned her exquisite face and her eyes shone brightly as she looked directly at the place where I was hiding. Just when I thought I would be vaporized in the next instant, Katya parted her sensual lips and spoke.

′′ Now it is in your hand’s hunter ′′

I didn’t know whether to be more terrified by the fact that her strangely melodious composed voice seemed as if it were speaking into my ear or by the fact that not only did she see me but the archangel seemed aware that I was a hunter. Leaving me alone with my doubts the archangel Katya flapped her wings a couple of times before simply disappearing, she didn’t seem to fly away or something like that. . . she just disappeared like a flash of light.


I was tempted to ask the sleeping Kyuru about the archangel, then I remembered how limited her knowledge of the world was and I better let her continue sleeping. Having regained my composure after the long chain of incredible events triggered by the phrase “what could go wrong?” I realized that I was surrounded by the charred and gutted corpses left by the flying snake.

I tried my best to avoid vomiting from the scent of charred human flesh, but of course, that was short-lived; in less than a minute, my breakfast was fertilizing the plants.

′′ Damn I never try my luck like that again, at least that ended well; I’m still alive and that’s something to be thinking about it, I thought that by this time the seven days should have ended; That’s weird′′

′′ Next time I order a pizza out loud, see if that works. . . you know what? forget it, I’m coming home and that’s all that matters. ′′ I just shrugged my shoulders with a little bit of exasperation, at this point there was not a lot to do about it.

The last time I did not have the opportunity to see how the transfer process was that brought me to the Serefia forest, this time I had the opportunity to see how the whole process developed; I still don’t understand how it works but at least I know now that the complex spherical matrix full of runes and so on, seems to be some kind of spell or transfer technology. How do I know that’s easy, I am currently being engulfed by said sphere.

After a flash of light, the forest around me faded, now flashes of multi-colored lights appeared in the vast void that was now outside the sphere; the process was surprisingly short as just seconds later the environment changed once more.

′′ Desmond, where are you? It’s no longer funny; I’ve been looking for you for almost twenty minutes and if you don’t show up I’ll be very upset. ′′

There it is, the voice that I have waited so long for and feared to hear again, in these seven days I have missed it so much; I don’t think we’ve ever been apart for so long. But since that part of me came out of exile. . . I am afraid, afraid that she will no longer see me as before if she ever finds out the truth; afraid of losing her. Quickly panic began to invade my mind but before things got worse I felt a warm current calm my turbulent emotions; When I looked down I could see Kyuru look me straight in the eye with a smile that seemed to say “Everything will be fine.”

With my mind having calmed down, I concluded that it didn’t matter if Claire changed the way she sees me, in the end, I can’t keep hiding my past and who I am; it’s not fair to her. It took me some time to compose myself and gather the courage to face her again, but I think I was ready.

“Claire, I’m in the basement, don’t worry I’ll come up to see you right now.”

And like a cruel joke of fate, the next voice I heard was not Claire’s.

′′ You have to be kidding me, have a good trip? Go to hell; When I find out who the jerk who set up automatic transfers was, I’m going to hit him so hard that they’ll have to transfer his mind back to his head.′′

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