My Magical System

Chapter 198

To increase his proficiency and unlock more options available in his Alchemy, he needed to synthesize frequently.

The higher proficiency attainment he achieved the more medicine will get to unlock.

Not just that, more unique and helpful potions also would be available to synthesize.

In the market, he noticed there were more people now than before.

People were moving like scattered ants. The noisy banter between the customers and merchants was always present at their stall.

Eman forced his way to the crowd while maintaining his vigilance. In these kinds of places, thieves and robbers are everywhere.


He went directly to the rows of stalls where fresh-looking herbs and plants were being displayed.

As expected, there weren’t enough rare type herbs that are currently on sale.

“Uh, madam, do you have stocks of Magenta Floramint?”

After asking the vendor, he noticed a sigh from her. She opened her mouth after a frown.

“It was already a month now that the stock of it had stopped coming, young man,” the vendor replied in a dispirited voice.

Magenta Floramint wasn’t a rare herb. It could also be gathered easily. However, it only grew in a specific area, the Magenta Plateau in the Hanging Village.

He read it in the book that was in the castle library. It was also one of the reasons that he went to the castle library, to search for some information regarding the plans and herbs.

After synthesizing more potions, his Alchemy Proficiency level was finally reached Level 19.

To break through to level 20, he needed to synthesize the B-rank healing potion, in which the Magenta Floramint was one of the main recipes.

Hearing the vendor’s reply, Eman sighed inwardly.

“What could be the reason that hinders the delivery?” He muttered. But his mutter was loud enough to reach the vendor’s ears.

“I’m not sure of the reason, but I heard gossip about the Hanging Village...”

Said the vendor while purposely lowering her voice and leaning closer to him.

Eman wasn’t fond of gossip, but he didn’t fully dislike it. He listened closely to the vendor’s words.

“Really, what was it?” He said in a voice that indicated he was interested to know.

“I heard that the lord of the village was found dead in his manor.”

Eman’s eyes slightly widened in surprise. He never thought the gossip was so tragic. “That was unexpected,” he said nonchalantly.

Whether it’s legit or just wild gossip, he had no connection to it. He was just a passerby who happened to hear it.

But wait, what if it was connected to the Magenta Floramint issue? Hmm... Perhaps there was some delay in delivery this month. Eman thought so. ‘Well, let’s see in the coming days.’

He left the herb and plant vendor after buying a couple of them. He wasn’t able to buy the Magenta Floramint Herb. But Eman decided to buy some herbal recipes for the other potions.

He also bought sweet foods and dresses for Eina and Aunt Claire.

When he was scuttering his storage he saw a card. He remembered it was the card that Mr. Klaus Smith gave him.

Right, he needed to visit his smithing shop, but maybe at a later date. He wanted to lay on the bed for now and rest.

While Eman was walking the main street, he heard some people loudly talking about the Grand Homecoming of the hero party.

When he visited the sweet vendor just a moment ago, most of the people there were also talking about it.

‘Looks like these heroes are so popular in the empire, huh. It made me more curious about them,’ Eman thought.

‘Right. I heard from the emperor that the hero party, along with the alliance of royal and noble armies, were able to drive away the demon’s siege.’

‘Truly admirable. Those guys are fairly strong. If I base it on novels and anime with transmigration genres, perhaps those heroes received blessings or cheat-like abilities or skills.’

‘Maybe they also have a magical system like me?’

‘In that case, I’m not the only oddball.’

‘I am so curious about their powers. I wonder how amazing they are.’

‘Based on the information I heard from Uncle Ronny and co’s, it seemed like those heroes arrived here earlier than me. So they are probably stronger.’

While Eman was contemplating, he suddenly heard the rumbling of his stomach.




‘I forgot to eat!’

Before going home, he decided to take a detour and look for a pub. On second thought, he could enter his domain and eat there.

‘But, but, but, it was against a transmigrator law to skip eating in a pub where sexy and cute pub girls from another world were serving!’

‘No. It was a joke. I’m looking forward to the foods in this world.’

‘Regardless, why are there no other races in this world?’

‘Beside from humans and demons, there seemed to be no other races. What a boring world...’

‘Although I’m not actually aiming to lewd them, it is still one of a kind feast in the eyes to see those races.’

‘The absence of those races felt like an incomplete transmigration.’

‘It felt like I only transmigrated in a medieval era where magic existed.’


‘Regardless, I couldn’t whine. At least I’m alive.’

Eman stopped pondering after finding himself in front of a pub.

“Barley’s Pub: the sanctuary of foods and drinks...” he read the word written on the canvas beside the door.

‘What a nice sounding slogan...’ he whispered inwardly.

Eman was about to step inside, but he thought of bringing Little Sky with him. On second thought, what if everyone thought he was a lolicon...

He shook his head and proceeded alone.

There weren’t many people inside. He quickly found a vacant seat near the window.

But instead of a sexy and cute pub girl, a burly man stood near his table.


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