Shinobi From Hell

Chapter 26 - Moving

Dant walked towards his teammates with fiddling his steps. He was not sure how he would confront them after they had been reduced to such a state cause of him. And now that he chose to betray them it was hard for him to face them.

He had played the scene a hundred time in his head. How he was going to approach them and how he was going to persuade them. But his guilt swallowed him making him self conscious and doubtful. Will he be able to say such huge lies with a straight face? Or would he mess it all up consumed by his guild? He had closed many a deals in his life back on earth but none was so difficult for him.

\'Dant man up! If you don\'t put up a bold front, how are you going to persuade them?\'

Dant straightened his posture as he puffed his chest trying to look as upright as possible. He wanted to give them the impression that whatever he says is not baseless and has substance to it. A droopy man that has no eye contact might come off as lying no matter what he says whereas the words of a confident man always have weight.

Before coming to this world Dant was a salesperson. A successful one at that. How to sell an idea? He knew that better than anyone else. Just how many deals had he closed? Just how much success had he seen? He can\'t even count it on his fingers.

"This is just another deal"

But even though he tried to confront it with a brave front, the guilt that consumed him internally always existed at the back of his mind. So, he tried his best for it to not show up on his face. Making it visible would mean instant failure. He can\'t let the others get any hunches as to what he plans to do.

"Guys, we have a problem here." Dant asserted to the group.

One of them nodded heavily. The person crossed his arms as he deliberately sneered.

"Yes all of us know that," he said in sarcasm. He had petite and tan skin which gave an unstoppable feel about him. His mysterious brown eyes and his short, fine, black hair was worn in a pompadour. He was the melee fighter of the group with his hand axe hanging down from his grasp. It had a slate colored dual sided axe head with a brown hilt to hold onto.

"Shut up, I am serious here. We need to move to the next stage as soon as possible."

"Huh? Next stage are you okay in the head?" He lifted his axe to his chest as if he was just going to use it on Dant.

"No, I am not. I know what you guys are thinking. You must be thinking that since the trial gave us half an hour to rest so we should rest and recuperate. Am I right?"

"Yes." The only woman in the group responded with a feeble but audible enough voice for everyone to hear. The others nodded following her.

"Even I thought the same. But he thinks differently," Dant pointed with his thumb to the Klautz that was yawning behind him.

"He didn\'t brief me about it and I didn\'t dare to ask, but it seems that our life will be in danger if we rest here. He claims that we should move to the stage as soon as possible and he will be moving onto the next stage in a moment with or without us."

Dant raised his shoulders as he revealed the palm of his hands. He wanted to stress and make everyone believe how much things were out of his control. And if at all they want to curse someone they should curse Klautz not him.

To the sudden revelation, all of his group members had mixed reactions. The woman who was still thinking the meaning behind those words held onto the chin while the man with the axe seemed pissed.

"So What? You want us to move according to his whims?"

Dant scratched his head.

"Well... You are right and wrong at the same time. How can I make you choose what you wish to do? It is completely up to you. But if I were you I would have followed him, no questions asked. You saw his battle last time, didn\'t you? He is the real deal! I can\'t even fathom what state we would be in had he not appeared. And I don\'t even want to know what state we will be in, in case we chose against following him."

Dant raised his hand\'s palm showing up as he made a woozy face.

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