Cornered by the CEO

Chapter 118: Watch Him Drown

Chapter 118: Watch Him Drown

"I have accumulated a series of videos taken by people who partied with Miss Mo and Mr. Bai that captured his behavior."

"And what of the other one?" the detective asked, jerking his chin towards Yun Qian Meng.

"Miss Yun," Li Jun corrected. "Miss Yun was being pursued by Mr. Bai and we have reason to believe that he was doing so in hopes of getting her money. That is not a crime in itself, but he manipulated Miss Yun\'s family into a forced marriage and publicly stalked her."

"Stalked her?" the guy was laughing now.

"Don\'t laugh at my misery," Qian Meng gritted through her teeth.

The detective shut up, unnerved by the intensity of Qian Meng\'s words. "I\'m sorry," he apologized quickly before shaking his head to clear it. "What evidence do you have?" he asked finally.

"Records of him breaching her privacy and trying to enter her living quarters, following her to Paris and disrupting her business meetings continuously, and publicly proposing to her despite being asked to stay away from her on several occasions."

Pictures, videos, testimonies from people who had seen him. They were all in the folder. Qian Meng had to give it to Li Jun, he was thorough when spinning his stories.

But when she saw all the information in front of her, could she say it was a story? All these things had happened to Mo Yize and her. All these things had bothered them and stopped them from resting easily at night.

Then how was it untrue?

"So, your clients were psychologically harassed over an extended period of time and acted out to defend themselves and put a stop to the cycle of psychological violence?" the detective asked, finally catching the cue.

"Yes." Li Jun\'s words were absolute. "The FIR states that there was an attempt to murder him, but in reality, you can see from the leaked video that no one was within ten feet of the car except for Miss Mo and Miss Yun. There was no attempt at harming Mr. Bai\'s person."

"Anything to prove the validity of the video?" the detective asked, looking through the screenshots from the video as well.

Li Jun, prepared as always, pulled out a couple of sheets. The contents declared the video authentic as verified by professionals.

"You\'re a thorough man," the detective stated, impressed.

"Just doing my job, sir. The legal notice didn\'t give me the contact information of Mr. Bai\'s lawyer. I would like to look into his credentials and contact information, if you don\'t mind," Li Jun gave a charming smile.

The detective nodded. "It is better if you contact the opposition party. I don\'t see much coming out of this for either party if I am honest." He gave a look at Qian Meng but turned away quickly.

"Thank you for your time." He stood up to go.

"Ah, officer!" Li Jun called him back. "The media is waiting outside. They\'ll probably encounter you for information." He tilted his head to the side.

"I won\'t take any sides and I won\'t comment much on an ongoing case," the officer concluded before going out.

Mo Yize breathed in relief. "You\'re amazing!" she said, impressed. "How much do you charge an hour. My dad\'s lawyers are too old," she said, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

Li Jun refused to comment and got up. "Miss Yun, the speculation will begin soon. Did you prepare what you are going to say when you go outside?" Li Jun asked.

"I didn\'t prepare anything, but I know what to say," she admitted slowly.

"What are you going to say?" Mo Yize asked, perplexed.

Qian Meng turned to her. "Go out ahead of us. You\'ll be unnoticed. No need to get embroiled in this matter. I\'ll handle it."

"I\'m not scared," Mo Yize scoffed. "I can face the media just as much as you can!" she exclaimed.

"It\'s not a matter of me being scared of protecting you. I\'m doing this to make the narrative stronger. We women need to stand up for one another and hold the people at fault accountable, right?"

Mo Yize raised her brow. "Is that why you broached the topic of speaking to the media to the officer?" she asked. "Don\'t tell me. Fire up the people\'s curiosity, challenge their prior perspective and then bombard with the new, more explosive story that makes them forget everything else." She gaped.

"Absolutely right," Qian Meng chirped. "Now, get going." She pushed Mo Yize forward by the shoulder. "You\'ll see a good show in the next few days. Grab some popcorn and see him drown." She winked.

Mo Yize strolled out, and as Qian Meng had said, the reporters with their microphones and cameras didn\'t glance at her twice.

She slid into the car and drove away.

Qian Meng sucked in a deep breath. "Li Jun, your face is going to be plastered all over social media and the news. Hope you are happy with how you look," she teased.

"Can\'t change my face, Miss Yun. I sell my professional services, not my face." He was serious.

They walked out, Qian Meng in front of him and the reporters didn\'t dare crowd too near her. The psychotic image of the video had worked well to warn them off angering her.

"Miss Yun, Miss Yun, why did you do it?" they asked.

Qian Meng stopped mid-stride and looked the reporter straight in the eye. "I was angry. I was angry because of how he treated women with disrespect, took away their choices, and forced them into doing things they didn\'t want to. I am angry because you are asking me to justify my actions. I am angry because I am not allowed to be."

That stunned people.

"Could you explain that?" someone shouted?

"It\'s sad that I need to. But I will. There should be a press-release soon."

"Who was the woman with you? Miss Yun?" They stumbled over one another to get a word from her.

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