Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 336: Sudden Situation, Rematch?

Chapter 336: Sudden Situation, Rematch?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Wow, I can literally see the tension in the air! That was such an aggressive play so early on in the game, but it’s hard to dismiss the fact that it was a beautifully executed kill!”

“Yeah, even the positioning of the Support was really good. By Flashing up and giving him a Heal, attracting all of the minions aggro onto him. If he didn’t do that, the ADC would definitely have fallen to the minions’ attacks. At early game, minion attacks are very painful, you can imagine they are basically half a champion,” said Xi Ling.

Forcing a fight at the bottom lane and leaving with First Blood, you rarely see this kind of situation in professional competitions.

Normally, the majority of the ADC players in professional competitions are more conservative. Being so aggressive like Xiao Bei was something that was rarely seen.

Speaking of which, Graves had used his Ignite just now. He dared to turn around just to throw it on Ezreal, wanting to make an exchange of life at the last moment!

After taking First Blood, Xiao Bei didn’t start building Trinity Force as usual, but instead he bought another Doran’s Blade.

Leaving the base, he continued to push. Facing such a high damage output and adding on Sona who could heal, Graves was forced to retreat to the back of the minion wave.

“This... what’s up with Xiao Bei? He suddenly so aggressive in this game, beating the sh*t out of Team Sky at the bottom lane to the point that their balls have shrunk. Could it be possible that this is his true strength?”

With the advantage of First Blood, Team Sky’s Guan Langjie realized that his Graves could no longer win over Ezreal!

In the past, this was unlikely to happen. Bottom lane was a duo team, and even a thousand gold lead may not show such a significant effect. What’s more, it was only an extra Doran’s Blade!

Wu Sen was also confused by Xiao Bei’s behaviour in this fifth game. He was even more aggressive than he was when he was playing with Vayne, his best champion. It was as though there was some kind of deep-seated hatred fuelling him. No matter the situation, he just had to go forward to force a fight with Graves.

What surprised Wu Sen that even while being so aggressive, Xiao Bei’s reactions, dodging, judgement, skill shots, and feinting were all so on point that it seemed like he was using some kind of cheat!

During normal practise and ranked games, Wu Sen was clearly aware of Xiao Bei’s strength as an ADC. Whether in the Korean server or locally, it was hard to find players who could control his growth in game or the overall situation.

Throughout their LPL journey, Xiao Bei’s strength had slowly been catching up to Wu Sen’s. And now it seemed like he had a breakthrough, his play becoming more confident and wild.

Wu Sen had only seen this kind of playing from Yu Luocheng.

Yu Luocheng was already considered to be a big boss in the field of e-sports. Going against strong players would naturally bring out his domineering nature. Whereas Xiao Bei was still a sprout, and although his individual abilities were not too far off from Yu Luocheng’s, he clearly lacked Yu Luocheng’s aura of pride and arrogance.

But now, Wu Sen was feeling it from him.

From the beginning until now, Xiao Bei’s ADC play had been very aggressive. It was as though he was on a completely different level than his opponent. Xiao Bei could predict his opponent’s movements, outsmart him, and even chase him down for a kill without a care.


“Is this the end of Team Sky’s bottom lane? They don’t even dare to come out to farm!” Hei Hei’s face was surprised as he announced this.

In the first three games, the bottom lane was evenly matched, and there was no way to tell who was stronger or weaker.

Then, in the fourth match, everyone present understood why no one would challenge Xiao Bei for the title of being the strongest Vayne. His Vayne was so strong that it was hard to remain calm while watching his gameplay.

And now in the fifth match, it was as though Xiao Bei had become a completely different person. From the conservative farming tactics to this overly aggressive wild playstyle, he was beating Team Sky’s Guan Langjie to the point that he couldn’t retaliate.

And let’s not forget that Guan Langjie has an average overall ability of more than 20 points.

This situation was somewhat impossible to believe!

“Team Sky is in a dangerous position right now, if the bottom lane were to fall...”

They would lose!

Even though Xi Ling didn’t say the words out loud, everyone understood. The moment the bottom lane falls, the chances of losing would increase.

No matter what the lineup, the ADC was always the core of the team. The moment the ADC can’t farm for gold, the game is basically half lost!

“Team Skycrown is really going to turn the tides!”

“That’s right, Team Sky played with fire this round and they’re getting burned. Without Blood Eagle, they could lose this round. And if they do, they will lose their qualification to participate in international competitions. This qualification will then pass on to Team Daemons and Team 71.”

Team 71 and Team Daemons were currently still maintaining their winning streaks. Team Sky had lost to Team 71 before this, so if they lose to Team Skycrown here, they would completely throw their chances of participating in the S International League!

“Coming back to this, Team Skycrown’s ADC is really super strong. It feels like even Bai Feng was not able to pressure Guan Langjie to this extent, right?”

“Even in the previous match with his Vayne, I already felt like he is way better than Bai Feng. Tell me when have you ever seen Bai Feng pull off those types of moves on his ADCs? Xiao Bei actually danced out from those tanks who were surrounding him, and that kitting, that stable repositioning...”

“His Ezreal is also really fantastic okay, have you seen his Q? It basically never misses, consistently maintaining full stacks and fighting against Graves...”

In the audience, murmurs of discussions were ongoing without any signs of stopping. Xiao Bei’s performance as an ADC in the past two games have clearly astounded everyone.

Previously, the ADCs that were well known to the LOL fanatics were Bai Feng and Asmodai. No one had ever heard of Xiao Bei from Team Skycrown before.

Now, Xiao Bei had been thrust into a match against these two godlike ADCs, and there were people who thought that his ADC was even stronger than Bai Feng, this was amazing!

Unconsciously, a cheering crowd had formed for Team Skycrown. Every time Team Skycrown obtained an advantage, there would be cheers.


Most of the game was focused at the bottom lane this round, because the amount of engage there was countless.

In a previous situation, the opponent Jungler came to gank Xiao Bei’s Ezreal, but he had performed a beautiful feat by kiting and forcing out a Flash from the Jungler. He even killed the Support!

If it only happened once or twice, it could be passed off as being lucky.

But this ADC had repeatedly shown up his opponent without giving them a chance to retaliate, this was true strength!

Team Sky’s gank this time was a complete failure. After Team Skycrown’s Jungler and Mid rushed down to give assistance, they also lost Dragon and the bottom lane turret. They had basically lost so much before anything even started!

Fourteen minutes in, and Xiao Bei had already completed Trinity Force, Beserker’s Greaves, and two Doran’s Blades, while Graves still only had a B.F Swords and Beserker’s Greaves.

Their items couldn’t even be compared. If they were to enter into a fight like this, Xiao Bei would just need to Q a few times and finish off with his ulti to significantly reduce the health of their front lines!

At fourteen minutes in, Zhou Yan gave the blue buff to Xiao Bei without any qualms.

Lin Dong’s items were still not complete, and there wasn’t much time left to farm in the laning phase. Seeing that Xiao Bei was clearly leading the pace in this game, Zhou Yan and Lin Dong would obviously give both buffs to him.

With both buffs on Ezreal, his kiting abilities and damage output will reach another level. In the team fight at the middle lane, Xiao Bei boldly stood in front of most of his team, continuously throwing out skill shots at their opponent, bringing down their health.

He even dared to play like that against Diana who had gap closure and burst damage, and what’s more, she was being played by Team Sky’s Xie Yi!

The team fight had yet to start, but Diana had already lost half her health and the Jungler had lost one third of his health. Being pressured by a double buff Ezreal, they didn’t dare to initiate a team fight!

Finally, after Xiao Bei and Lin Dong’s assault, Team Sky gave up on the first middle lane turret.

Team Skycrown’s income once again went up, and they immediately went into Team Sky’s jungle area to plant wards for vision control.

“Having vision control...Team Sky is really heading towards a dangerous position. This is the same Jungle Suppression tactic, they shouldn’t have given up their turret just now at the middle lane. They should have forced a fight to defend instead. Being so indecisive, only a slow death awaits them now,” said Hei Hei, now starting to nitpick at Team Sky.

A Team Sky without Blood Eagle was really subpar. If he was here, he would have initiated a fight earlier. He would have forced a fight rather than giving up the turret just like that. But now, control of their jungle area had been wrestled away from them!

“Yeah, Team Skycrown basically has control over the entire match. Now it just depends on whether Team Sky can execute a perfect counter...” said Xi Ling.

Team Skycrown’s gold income continues to skyrocket upwards, and now the difference has become almost five thousand!

About one to two thousand of their five thousand gold lead was from Xiao Bei’s crushing performance as an ADC. It was now impossible to compare the items of both ADCs.

Just after taking Dragon, the five members of Team Sky already felt like they had hit rock bottom. It wasn’t that they didn’t have the guts to fight. They were just well aware that they would be the ones at a disadvantage if they initiated a fight.

Their opponent Sona could stop their movements, Karthus would rush in and activate all his skills, Ezreal could kite with an insane amount of damage, and finally Kha’zix would jump in to clean all of them up...

Plus, Team Skycrown would use the CC from Karthus, Ezeal, and Kha’six every time, while Team Sky didn’t even have enough health to tank all the damage from the attacks.

In this situation, wasn’t initiating a fight the same as going in to die?


“Ah, Team Skycrown’s Kha’zix was careless. How can he roam the opponent’s jungle alone? Now he’s been surrounded, and it looks like it will be hard to spread his wings to get out...”

Xi Ling cut into Hei Hei’s observation, “Not true, look at the mini map!”

“Oh, Team Skycrown is trying to sneakily take Baron at the 19-minute mark. I understand now, they purposely used Kha’zix as bait, letting him appear in sight while they have vision in their opponent’s jungle to take Baron. This... Team Sky is such a veteran team, how can they not realize anything at all?”

“Team Sky has finally realized something is up, but it looks like they’re a tad bit late. Looking at Baron’s health, Team Skycrown can wrap it up in about 10 seconds!”

Roars of cheering rang out as the crowd howled with excitement. Everyone was well aware of the advantages Team Skycrown currently held in their hands. If they take Baron too, then it would be a complete landslide victory.

Could it be possible that the outcome of this round would also depend on Baron?

Hei Hei couldn’t help but feel excited as he exclaimed, “Will this Baron bring victory, or will this Baron be the one that destroys everything?”

“Team Sky’s Birch is rushing towards the Baron Pit, it looks like he’ll make it!”

“Retribution! Beautiful, Team Skycrown has managed to get Baron, and they also managed to take the kill on the opponent Jungler who jumped into the pit!”

The entire arena was filled with cheers!

Team Skycrown has taken Baron Nashor!

Moreover, with the other members of Team Sky scattered by chasing Kha’zix, and the Jungler’s life now exchanged for trying to steal Baron, Team Skycrown could take the chance to push and take down the turrets in the lane with Baron Buff.

Baron Buff resembled the drums of war echoing in the air, giving a boost to the team’s morale!

The members of Team Skycrown were seen rushing towards Team Sky’s middle lane turret, and the members of Team Sky were hurriedly retreating to defend.


In the midst of the cheers, a loud sound rang out and a countdown timer suddenly appeared on the screen.

29:59 minutes.

29:58 minutes.

The game was stopped!

“What happened?”

“Why has it stopped?”

The game was suddenly suspended without explanation. Even the two commentators were unable to make any announcements as they were not aware of what was going on.

“It seems that there has been a problem. We appreciate your patience! It’s possible that there’s an issue with the players’ computers,” said Hei Hei, hurriedly mentioning the first thing that came to mind to appease the audience during this sudden suspension of the game.

“I don’t think so, if it’s a computer issue, a staff member would have gone over to check. I’m seeing the team managers walking towards the stage,” said Xi Ling as she looked around.

Stopping the game right when the tension was at its peak, it was obvious that the audience was not happy about it.

After all, Team Skycrown was on a counter attack. To be honest, a lot of people who were gloating couldn’t help but want to see that incredible Team Sky be taken down by a newly formed team!

While the two commentators were wondering what was happening, the director came over to whisper an explanation into their ears. Hei Hei was left stunned when he heard the situation.

“The camera will cut back to the both of you after this, you just need to follow what was said,” whispered the director.

Once he was done, he hurriedly left the area.

Hei Hei and Xi Ling were experienced in dealing with many unexpected situations. When the camera switched back to them, they immediately put on apologetic smiles.

“To our audience members who are present with us today, as well as our audience at home, there has been an issue in this competition. It was decided that this game will be suspended,” said Hei Hei, his expression serious, all traces of playfulness gone.

As the words were said, the entire arena lapsed into a shocked silence.


The game was already halfway through, why would they stop it now?

Was it possible that someone was cheating? But everyone was watching the match live, it was not possible that there was cheating involved!

“This is the organizer’s decision. There are already several referees and staff members in discussion. The final conclusion on whether the match will be stopped, continued, or whether a rematch will take place, will be announced very soon.”

Among the audience, there were unhappy scoldings happening.

What kind of decision was this, stopping the game right when it was at the peak?

It’s normal to be angry and unhappy in this situation. When you watch porn and the programme is suddenly cut off right at the height of your pleasure, don’t you also curse the National Radio and Television Administration?

“What the h*ll is happening? Why would you stop it?”

Li Meiqi was super unhappy. Just when you feel that Team Skycrown was going to win, they suddenly stopped the match, and there was even talk of a rematch.

What the h*ll kind of mess was this?


Hei Hei announced what was told to him by the staff, “We appreciate everyone’s patience during this time. The referees and staff have already made their decision. The previous four matches between Team Sky and Team Skycrown will still be valid, but since the fifth match had yet to exceed twenty minutes, there will be a rematch. This rematch will be carried out after Team 71 and Team Daemon’s match.”

The two commentators didn’t know exactly what happened, but since the director told them to say this, they didn’t really have a choice either.

“Boo...what the h*ll! You say rematch, then rematch? You’re not even giving us an explanation, this is too unreasonable.”

“Yeah, it’s the dignified LPL! Isn’t pulling this kind of sh*t like spitting in the face of the audience here?”

The unhappy mutterings and scolding didn’t stop. No one was willing to accept a rematch without any explanation. The audience had even come to the venue in person because they wanted to be the first to see the outcome of the matches. Who knew that there would be a rematch?

Was it possible that the organizers had accepted bribes from Team Sky, and seeing that Team Sky was losing, they immediately stepped in and scheduled a rematch?

That was just such a foul.

“Oh, we now have an explanation. It seems that there’s a problem with one of the members of Team Skycrown, who apparently does not meet the requirements of an LPL player. We will announce more details soon,” said Hei Hei.

Once the news broke out, the entire arena was once again in an uproar!

A player that didn’t meet the requirement of the LPL?

What the h*ll was happening?

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