The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 516 A Tiger's Pride, Torn Asunder

Naturally, it was impossible for Mr. Black to remain oblivious to such major attacks against his own son. Unfortunately, however, the condition of the Black Tiger Corporation in the Oriana country at the moment simply didn\'t allow him to interfere with the matter much.

After the White Deer Corporation\'s withdrawal from the country, the seemingly cordial relationship between the government of Oriana and the Black Tiger Corporation had rapidly deteriorated to the point where Mr. Black found his hands full simply trying to maintain to the status quo.

Clearly, it was the government\'s own fault for hitting the opponent so hard that they had no other choice than to flee if they wished to survive.

Had they been a little more conservative in their sanctions, would that cowardly couple ever have dared make such a bold move?

Having dealt with Mr. and Mrs. White for so long, he knew well enough just how far the two of them could go to delude themselves into complacency in an effort to make their lives more \'stable\' and ensure that their daughters had a \'good environment\' to grow up in.

Unfortunately, the president made a bad judgment, and the government was now fully intent on blaming the Black Tiger Corporation for it all.

Apparently, in order to make sure that the Black Tiger Corporation couldn\'t just flee as well, just restricting the movements of the leaders was no longer a \'safe approach\', and the president was hell-bent on completely taking full control over everything Mr. Black had worked so hard for all his life.

With the ability to modify and interpret already vague laws at will, Mr. Black had no doubts that once they were done inserting a certain number of \'moles\' in the appropriate positions, it wouldn\'t be long before the government made the decisive strike.

Unfortunately, the firepower that the Black Tiger Corporation had at its disposal wasn\'t even a fraction of what the government could casually take out from just one of their military bases.

Mr. Black knew that even if they managed to cause temporary civil unrest, it would only make the government happier. After all, what was the death of a few pawns if it gave them a good justification to do whatever they wanted?

The thoughts of expanding into new domains or taking over any opportunities left behind by the withdrawal of the White Deer Corporation remained but distant dreams, and Mr. Black could only watch as all his hard work for the past few decades was being slowly unraveled right in front of his eyes.

And what really infuriated him was that instead of being someone he could rely on in such a desperate moment, the son he had meticulously raised for so many years chose to stab his own father in the back.

His son\'s implicit acceptance of the government interference in the Black Tiger\'s internal affairs, and the ruthless sabotage and erosion of his power and authority within the organization infuriated Mr. Black to the point where he simply want to tear all of his son\'s hair off, crack open his skull, and see what kind of garbage was fermenting inside that empty hole.

No matter how he thought about it, Mr. Black simply couldn\'t comprehend just what his moron of a son could be thinking.

Couldn\'t he see that those insidious leeches only wanted to break them apart from the inside out?

Of course, no matter how he raged and roared at Amos in his mind, Mr. Black knew that things were no longer as they used to be. He couldn\'t just call his son to his office and teach the kid a lesson. That ship had sailed long ago.

Mr. Black knew that now, even if he somehow managed to confront the boy face to face, it would change very little other than distancing and alienating them even further apart from each other.

After all, he knew better than anyone else how much Amos thirsted for power and authority, and now that he had gotten a real taste of it, how could he ever just give it up?

It was this \'understanding\' of his own son that made Mr. Black decide to slowly relinquish more and more of his own authority to the boy. Unlikely as it was, he still had some vain hope that as long as his son got strong enough, he would finally be able to see the truth.

That was why, while focusing on distracting the government as best he could while Amos continued taking over the rest of the corporation, Mr. Black didn\'t even realize what disaster was headed his way when his son went to attend the Golden Crown.

Unfortunately, when he finally got news of the matter, it was already too late. Not only did he no longer have the resources required to pull his son away from the controversy, Mr. Black wasn\'t even sure if he could ensure the boy\'s survival.

Having dealt with them for so long and knowing their past grievances, how could he not see that the Gray Wolfe Corporation was doing its best to fan the flames? Moreover, they weren\'t alone!

Just the combined strength of the forces thirsting for his son\'s blood was terrifying enough, but what really chilled Mr. Black\'s heart was the attitude of the government of Phoenix.

With how \'forthcoming\' they were with all the information and evidence against his son, he would have to be an idiot to not be able to see their real intentions.

Mr. Black couldn\'t help but curse. "I can\'t believe that bastard Sanders actually managed to pull that stiff bitch to his side!"

With how obstinate she was, he had no doubt that the idiot must have sacrificed a lot of resources in favor of Phoenix just to convince Bellatrix to take his side.

Knowing Sanders, it was impossible to do so unless he truly loved his son, and was fully convinced that his murderer was indeed Amos.

Mr. Black couldn\'t help but clutch at his head in panic. "B-But there\'s no way my son could have done that!"

Even if he had some grudge and motivation to kill him, would someone like his son really be able to make such an intricate plan to kill someone, let alone pull it off flawlessly and make a getaway in time?

"No no no, that\'s no longer important!" Mr. Black paced back and forth in front of his study table in worry. "With both Bellatrix and Sanders against him, it is only a matter of time before they take Amos away, regardless of whatever defense he tries to put up."

With the naïvete of his son, he had no doubt that the fool still believed that Oriana\'s government would be able to keep him safe from all foreign threats, and the worst he would have to bear would be some loss of repute and humiliation.

Unfortunately, Mr. Black knew better.

No matter how well Amos cooperated with them so far, the government of Oriana surely wouldn\'t be content just leaving the Black Tiger Corporation in his son\'s hands. Would they miss such a good opportunity to get rid of the boy after he was already done taking away most of the corporation\'s authority?

"There\'s no way they would let him go now, unless...!"

The moment the thought crossed his mind, Mr. Black felt like all the air had been squeezed right out of his lungs. \'N-No, but the corporation is not only my legacy, but also that of my ancestors!\'

The Black Tiger Corporation might have grown tremendously under his control, and even now, it was superior to what he had inherited. But Mr. Black didn\'t believe that it gave him the right to destroy or give it away as he pleased.

He could accept his son taking it from him, as he was someone who had the blood of his ancestors flowing through his veins.

But if their bloodline really lost control of this centuries-old legacy during his lifetime, wouldn\'t he be the greatest sinner of them all? Mr. Black simply couldn\'t accept it in his heart.

However, when he thought of his son being thrown into the jaws of those wolves and ripped apart till not a shred was left, Mr. Black knew that he had no choice.

If Amos really died because of his stubbornness, wouldn\'t the Black Tiger\'s legacy come to an end anyway?

Crashing back on his chair with a defeated sigh, Mr. Black felt like he had aged over a decade in a single day. "So that\'s it..."

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