Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 608 608 A Shameless Fellow

Chapter 608 Chapter 608 A Shameless Fellow

"The first one is easy to get while the latter is rarely ever achieved." Master Sergeant Davis said with a touch of humor. This was not all to the story of course.

A proven fact was that guardians can also evolve to something stronger through experiencing extreme sorrow, anger and pain.

But this truth was deliberately hidden by the Alliance because of the deeds that a few bad seeds had done in the past.

There were many cases where a rotten head in the government would intentionally torture a gifted guardian. Not him or her of course but his friends and families.

With each trauma with the loss of a loved one, a thirst for more strength would forcefully change the guardian to become something more.

Thus, the records of this ever happening were expunged from the eyes of the public.

Several thousands years after and almost no one remembered of such a dark era in the guardian community.

Those ugly deeds were what moved humanity to prosper and perhaps, was what saved them in the end.

One should know that Alliance was on the brink of collapse at that time and even went to merely 3 worlds from a number of 207 after they were besieged by the feral Thephri.

More than 5,000 years had passed since that time and the human forces have adequately recovered from that horrible tribulation.

"I\'ll think about it, Master Sergeant Davis." Our bored gamer replied after the third beat. It was obvious that he had already passed this guardian training.

He was excited for when he would go out and explore the huge universe around him.

"Guardian training will end in 5 months." Davis said as if reading the mind of our very own protagonist. This was only a well educated guess of course.

The master sergeant knew that a raging bull like our good gamer was not someone who disliked challenges in his life.

The usual training would supposedly last for 1 year but alas, even a 1 month preparation in Moon Grave would do for any guardian to pass from here.

The real battlefield was out there in the edges of humanity\'s territories. There, these guardians would die or develop to become beasts themselves. There was nothing in between.

After all, war was the only path ahead for each and everyone of these guardians.

"I understand. Thank you for your guidance, Master Sergeant." Clark said unto the commander.

"All right! 1 v 1! Choose your opponents and fight!"

"Don\'t stop until I tell you to stop!"

"If I see someone just running and jumping around with no real intent to battle, no food shall be given for 1 month to this boy or girl!"

"Start now!" Davis nodded towards our bored gamer and shouted these orders in a wild loud voice.

"THUD!" The group then went on to search for partners. Before long, a crowd of battles could be seen starting all at once.

To allow a melee of 1831 guardians to fight at the same time, one could only imagine the space around this huge dome.


"Nut kick!"

"Acid Spittle!" Myriad skills were presented and it was an understatement to say that this scene was indeed quite chaotic. But this was not enough to blind our bored gamer of his quest.

"Can you spar with me?" Clark asked a big and mean looking young man nearby. It was obvious that almost all feared him in this place. Nobody ever tried pairing with this big man.

This was true until our good gamer arrived with this offer in tow.

"GULP!" The big man hesitated for a bit and he looked down at the ginormous manhood of our avid gamer.

It did not need telling that Clark has not still changed for a decent attire at this time. Since everyone has already seen his crown jewels, there was no point in hiding them from view.

At least not before our bored gamer finds a mate in this 1 vs 1 skirmish. This was his ticket to become stronger after all.

"Master Sergeant Davis!" The big boy called out to the commander. Deep inside, he was beating himself for being such a dumb fool.

If he had known beforehand, he would have immediately gotten himself a pair in this exercise.

"What is it, Carlo?" Davis frowned.

"I accept the 1 month penalty!" Carlo bowed in relief. No one in his right mind would accept the challenge of this ferocious newcomer today.

Not only was he too strong but he was also a shameless exhibitionist it seemed. Carlo would rather starve than face the alternative.

"..." Davis merely nodded as he understood the plight of this poor boy. Our bored gamer had of course another opinion entirely.

\'FUCK ME! I ain\'t getting any more upgrades today.\' Clark could only shake his head at this scene.

There was still 1 available boy or girl to find but he would not want to grant unto them the same fate of big boy Carlo here.

Nonetheless, he did not lose hope just that easily.

\'Is the master sergeant also a guardian, Nancy?\' He asked towards his handy system.

"Negative, host. Master Sergeant Davis does not possess any guardian ability." Nancy replied promptly.


"It can\'t be helped then." Clark took a deep breath. Since no one was willing to be paired with him, there was no reason for him to stay here anymore.

He slowly left the training dome and his departure was seen by all. There was a look of comfort in everybody\'s eyes after our bored gamer was long gone.

The open nudity was shocking and funny at first but when the boldness of the newcomer was witnessed in full by staying unashamed in the duration, the atmosphere quickly turned very weird.

"I hope we never see him again." Carlo muttered and this sentiment was mirrored by almost everyone in attendance.

* * *

Back in our bored gamer\'s room.

"Hmmm... I have 5 months of idle time to spend in this place."

"I just can\'t waste it by sleeping, eating, and repeat." Clark muttered under his breath. It did not take him long to hatch a genius plan thereafter.

\'Who is the most beautiful girl in Moon Grave, Nancy?\'

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