Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 206 206 Needle In A Haystack

Chapter 206 Chapter 206 Needle In A Haystack

"Okay then... the two of you will come with me and... we shall have a great time together."

Our bored gamer said these words and he was already looking forward about the great things he could do in order to win the affection of Tang Xinyue.

Ze Min could be a plus too but that would have to ask for a more convoluted plot from him because the Flower Goddess was totally not into men.

Ze Min preferred women over them at any time of the day.

Alas, her charm did not work on Tang Xinyue since she has already spent more than a hundred years of vying for the beautiful woman\'s attention but she had yet to make any real progress.

Tang Xinyue\'s heart was as cold as an immovable rock.

\'Hmmm... Let\'s see how will i be able to make these ladies fall into my arms.\' Clark smiled as he awaited the reaction of both Tang Xinyue and Ze Min.

"What if we say no?" And our good gamer\'s smile fell off of his face when he finally heard Tang Xinyue\'s reply.

\'If wanted to force them to come, i can. But do i have the heart to do it at all?\' Clark mused and easily shook his head in rejection of such notions.

He was a lover and not a molester of women in the first place.

\'No matter. I still have 5 women in my harem already. That is more than enough for now.\' He nodded and uttered his response.

"If you don\'t want to go with me then you may leave. I won\'t bother you anymore from today onward also."

Clark said and looked at the lovely woman who had quite occupied his mind for years. Lu Chen\'s to be exact.

Alas, the untold time that he had spent within the torture of his own consciousness during the Soul Fragment process has basically numbed him of these memories.

Time can really do wonders to broken dreams and endless regrets. Our bored gamer could only conclude his experience with this line.

"..." Tang Xinyue merely looked at him in silence before leaving the room with Ze Min in tow.

"THUD!" And the last page was closed and marked ended on this chapter of Lu Chen\'s romance.

"Farewell, Tang Xinyue." Clark did not want to anymore waste his time in going after somebody who obviously despised him even now. It was better to be productive with his life as always.

"I should complete a couple of rounds before this day ends." Clark whispered and summoned someone who paid blood, sweat, and tears together with him.

\'Are you there, Freaky Lady?\' Our bored gamer called then began tearing his soul anew.




Our sorry protagonist failed once and then failed again and again. He never stopped just like last time but persevered to get the slippery path towards success.

He only needed to win one time and that would have made all the difference between heaven and hell for him. Alas, it never came. Clark stopped at midnight.

\'Thank you. Let\'s try again tomorrow.\' Our good gamer did not forget to offer his gratitude towards the Freaky Lady.

His guesses were proven to be more concrete since the time it would take for the Soul Fragment to finish was taking longer and longer with each succeeding tries.

Clark judged that the Freaky Lady was also exerting much effort from this ordeal. Probably as much as our bored gamer was suffering during the unholy technique they were doing.

A fallen Elder God could only do so much after all. Still, the two partners did not give up after this second defeat. They were too old to throw the towel that easily.

A month passed and then another.

Three months.





One year and one month later, the duo finally stopped.

\'I can do no more, child.\' It was the Freaky Lady who uttered these words of surrender.

More than this and she would have to perish from the heavenly punishment that tried to devour her whole with every passing second.

\'I understand. If ever i find a way to kill that fucking Elder God who did this to me, that will also be the time that i could repay this favor to you. I owe you one, Freaky Lady.\' Clark replied.

He did not know the plight of the mysterious woman on his ears but he knew that she had given him more chances that he could ever ask for.

For that, our bored gamer shall always remain thankful for this unseen woman.


\'It\'s just too hard to transfer from one dimension to another.\'

\'That may have only been a hopeless wish from the beginning.\'

\'But i\'m glad that i tried it nonetheless.\' Clark remained optimistic in the end. The years that he had spent in torture had not broken him at all but has instead made him stronger than ever.

His will was unshakable and his dao heart became harder than the foundations of heaven itself. No defeat could make our bored gamer kneel on his knees. Not anymore.

"What do i do now?" Our avid gamer sighed for the umpteenth time as he thought of a way out of this quandary.

He had locked himself for the entire year and was back to square one in the aftermath. He stayed looking at ceiling of his room for almost an hour but found no answer to be had.

"Hmmm... Let me treasure my women first. I\'m sure that they are already missing me after more than 1 year of not seeing each other."

Clark smiled and went on his way to visit his women\'s room one after another. It did not need telling that he really had done a great workout after this.

The moans and cries of passion followed in full for days without end.

"Well, that was an epic experience indeed! Hehehe." Our bored gamer grinned after almost 2 months of satisfying his women\'s needs.

If truth be told, the affair also sated his own more than he was willing to admit. It did not take him long to brood on his difficulties once more.

He could forget them while he was having fun but in the silence of his thoughts, the problems that he had hidden behind came rushing forth like angry rivers in a flood.

\'How do I kill an Elder God?\'

\'How do I kill an Elder God?\'

\'How do I kill an Elder God?\' The same question rang over and over again inside our bored gamer\'s mind and this seemed like an absolute obsession already.

He kept at it though and went back to what he knew so far.

\'Hmmm... I have good reason to believe that that Freaky Lady is also of Elder God Tier. Although i asked her many many times but she never answered it all the same.

Her origins and such but i\'m 90 percent sure that my guess is correct at this time. Well, at least i hope it is.\'

\'She may have grown bored and wanted to explore new lands but was struck down by the heavenly tribulation. Maybe.\'

\'This tells me well enough that the defenses between each dimension are not that easy to face.

Not even Elder Gods who are perhaps the highest being in this universe could withstand its power.\'

\'So where does that leave me now?\' Clark contemplated for a long long time before arriving at what he can only do at this point.


"I think I could only use that tactic."

"It would be like trying to find a fish in an ocean of needles."

"At least this is better than sitting on my ass for one hundred trillion years." Our bored gamer decided and immediately left his room to enact his plans.

He was hoping that some other entities from faraway dimensions like the Freaky Lady or something more powerful than her had also stumbled in this part of Creation.

And with that, a whole new possibilities would arise for him to uncover.

Although this was a far fetched wish indeed but just like he said, it was better than to remain idle for millions and millions of years.

"FLASH!" When he reappeared, he was inside a lavish pavilion with lots and lots of ancient relics and graded weapons on display.

Many people were also around and since Clark graced the scene tonight, the expected outcome of his adventure also followed his heels like the plague.

"Hey, boy! What are you dawdling around in here?! Stand aside or you shall p..." An arrogant man tempted fate on this eventful eve.

"WHOOSH!" He did not even get to finish his words before his head was already flying to the side.

"AHHHHHHH!" Some of the ladies yelled in panic before they put a hand on their lips to silence any more sounds to escape.

They definitely did not want to invite the ire of someone so bloodthirsty in their midst.

\'It\'s good that my protagonist\'s aura would almost always call on evil men only. Saves me from keeping my hand every single time.\'

Clark gave his approval on the curse that remained true every time he got to travel to places where people did not know him beforehand.

Our bored gamer looked at a stunned lady nearby.

"Take me to the Pavilion Master of this place. I have a very interesting business proposal that I\'m sure he would be interested to hear." Clark said to the woman.

"At once, master!" The poor lady adhered to the call and ran like her life depended on it.

An hour later and our good gamer\'s kingly guise stepped out of the pavilion. His inventory was filled with mysterious items that the pavilion had gathered in their treasury.

He only bought of course those relics that the appraisers in the place could not identify at all. Our bored gamer was betting on these things to deliver him some good surprises in the end.

No matter how little the chances were for him.

"At least this is as good a start as any. But I better use Gu Wenren for this so that she could announce to this xianxia world that i\'m looking for something... or perhaps nothing at all."

Clark shook his head in dismay.

He used his divine sense to send Gu Wenren a message and after that, he went on to the next treasure slash auction house to collect the next set of items that may or may not contain some fortuitous surprises for him.

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