Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 855 Wasteful Attempt At Sacrifice.

Bolstered by the Monument and healed of her injuries, Tanya appeared all the more ready to do battle with Melinda as she said with a grin,

"You know I wanted that traitor Makena\'s head but I guess you will suffice"

As Tanya spoke, she used her relationship with the Monument to transform the area they were in into a wide space and that manipulation served to show Melinda just how much of a disadvantage she was in.

Melinda said nothing in response to the display or Tanya\'s words but she had a grim expression on her face as she clasped her palms and prepared to cast a spell.


The moment Melinda\'s palms hit each other, a wave of energy spread out and as Tanya felt it, her eyes widened and she became insistent to stop Melinda from casting her spell which brought about hurried manipulation of the area of the Monument they were in.

In a show of seriousness, Tanya was not manipulating the space with just her relationship with the Monument through the Monument gem but was also doing it with her Abstract Ordinance of Reality but despite all that she did, Melinda\'s palms remained joined.

The most direct manner of dealing with the issue would have been to warp Melinda\'s reality but that was impossible because Melinda possesses an Abstract Ordinance. The options left to the Princess were to manipulate the terrain and chuck attacks but through it all, Melinda\'s spell-casting process never stopped, and eventually, it was done.

A wave of energy shrouded Melinda and appeared to be the reason she floated in the air where she finally pulled her hands together to cast multiple seals after which Five Ankhs appeared around her and she thrust them all to the ground.

Tanya felt threatened by the ankhs which was a detail worth noting on account of the fact that the Monument should be her pseudo-domain within which she had constant support but it would appear that Melinda had a support that trumped whatever Tanya had with the Monument.

Tanya never dreamed of attempting to combat the ankhs and she made a focused attempt to escape but the moment one of the Ankhs hit the ground, it tracked Tanya\'s life signature and dragged her to a spot around which the five Ankhs all gathered.

Tanya stirred but before she could move, she was stabbed by strings from all four Ankhs who took hold of her life force and immediately began to deplete it while at the same time trying to shred the bulk of it from her body.

As they did, one of them went a step further to sow a seed of life within Tanya and even if Tanya had noticed it, she would have been unable to say exactly what it was for. Plus, she could hardly focus on anything besides pain at the moment.

The pain was excruciating and Tanya showed that with a loud yell that rocked the space they were in.

Tanya floated close by and was still actively in control of the spell but she was not going down yet. The Monument gem glowed brighter than ever and so did the Nexus stone and she combined the powersets of the two to let out an extremely powerful blast,


The blast destroyed Melinda\'s Ankh spell and shot right into Melinda\'s chest to destroy her from the inside but at that moment, Melinda activated the sea of life to connect herself with Tanya so that the Princess could share in what she had been afflicted with.

With the attack reduced and the rest mostly dealt with by her bloodline, Melinda charged at Tanya and wrapped her in a tight hold. Melinda held on while she caused them both to fall through a portal she had opened.

The portal was accessing Hal\'s private transportation channel but somewhere during the journey, Melinda separated from Tanya so that the princess alone fell all the way through the portal and into the Imperial Palace in the Imperial City.


It did not take long for Tanya to get back to her feet and she beheld the destruction of the Palace to a degree she would never have expected.


Almost an hour ago...

Tanya dropped Sassy over at the Emperor\'s mercy as the Emperor suppressed Sassy to stop her from escaping.

With Tanya pressed into the ground, Amador got off his Throne and then used Cosmic energy to activate the Altar that the Throne hid.

The throne/Altar had always been a way for the current head of the Haron family and consequently the Emperor/Empress, to contact their Patron God who they had been led to believe served in the court of Zalser, the Primeval Asura.

Anyway, in recent times, the throne had been giving Amador contact with a being that promised more power the more of himself Amador let go for the said being. Amador was promised the glory of becoming an Avatar for that being and he had long accepted and had long enjoyed the benefits most especially in the year that the Sapphirine Cult was gone.

Anyway, Amador was given a way to use the throne for himself rather than using it to contact outside help and Sassy was the one he wished to try it on first.

With the Serpent Familiar at his mercy, Amador started up the Altar and prepared to use it.

"Don\'t bother trying. Your energy is too chaotic and too at odds to allow you to transform." Amador said as Sassy struggled and clenched occasionally in hopes of triggering her transformation which she had so far been denied,

"Besides, all that your transformation will afford you is a larger size. It will not let you escape my hold." Amador added and his tone was somber for someone who appeared at the threshold of an impressive power increment.

Amador had locked out any possible opening of a portal into the region he was in but he went a step further by creating a dome to block out any outside interference that did manage to arrive. He had learned from the last time to cover all his bases.

As long as he could get the power he had been promised by sacrificing a Demi-god such as Sassy, he would be able to meet anything that came.

If only he knew that Sassy did not actually have a cultivation base of her own. She was sharing her master\'s and killing her would be an absolute waste.

Amador, just like the many others who knew little or nothing about Hal, had no real idea of what Sassy was to Hal.

Anyway, right when Amador aimed to begin, Sassy\'s eyes went from Emerald green to Sapphire blue flecked with gold as she was possessed by her Master who decided that this was the way he wished to interfere.

Infinity freed Sassy of the pressure of Chaos that held her down and she immediately transformed into her gigantic serpent form whose size alone destroyed the hall they were in.

Hal spurred Sassy\'s bloodline to the next stage of its evolution and that not only increased her size but adorned her head with seven horns that were lined up like a crown similar to Hal\'s in his draconic form.


Opening her wide serpentine jaws as wide as they could go, Sassy let out a roar rather than a hiss as though making it clear that she had moved even more forward with her bloodline.

At this point, Hal and Sassy were both in control of her body and were so in synch that they moved seamlessly as though of one mind which was not too far from the truth.

"How dare you covet what is mine?" asked Hal\'s voice through Sassy in a chilling but calm tone of authority.

"It\'s like you have no idea how this dynamic is supposed to be. I take what is yours and not the other way around" Hal added.

The Emperor appeared unbothered and just formed seals after which a harpoon formed from within the Altar behind him to shoot at Sassy who especially could not evade on account of her large size.

The harpoon lodged itself in Sassy\'s neck and connected with the altar to begin reeling her power as sacrifice into the Altar. Sassy\'s large body did not have her the ability to resist and it was then that Amador spoke,

"I told you, your size makes no difference,"

"You haven\'t seen my size," this time the voice was Sassy\'s, and she stopped trying to resist the pull of the harpoon while her size began to increase and she got wider and stretched longer and as she did, she coiled get body around the Imperial Palace.

So long did Sassy become that she could coil herself twice in the wide circumference of the massive Imperial Palace and then her body began to glow...

Amador\'s eyes widened at the glow, especially at the ease with which the harpoon broke off Sassy\'s neck and he was faced with power that he could not possibly stop.

Sassy kept glowing brighter and brighter until she let out a massive explosion that leveled structures all over the Palace grounds and the most Amador could do was shield himself and shield his altar.

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