Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 141 - Reverence?

Amelia was more than a little shocked to see the sudden appearance of the Black cloaked Figure who must have moved at such a speed that she had not been able to follow and when she looked to her side, her mother\'s natural expression made It even more evident that this figure was not one to be trifled with.

Emily on the other hand was studying the cloaked figure but soon concluded that there was nothing she could discern. Not gender and definitely not cultivation.

That was worrying.

Even if she and Amelia were not targeted, she doubted her daughter would simply remain idle when Hal was up against an opponent he could not defeat.



Hal and Melinda stood side by side and observed the figure whose head was covered with a hood and made it impossible to discern facial features, other than the crimson eyes.

In an almost instinctual manner, the two reached into themselves and took control of their Bloodlines and it was then they could infer something else about the figure.

For Hal, it was a pull. A kind of force of attraction that told him (even though he had guessed so already) that this was a demon or at least a human attempting to become one.

For Melinda, it was the opposite. It was repulsion and a drive to beat the figure into oblivion.

Neither of them let down their guard.

The figure surveyed them as well before...

"Haha hahaha" it laughed loudly.

"How cute!" It said before it vanished from their sights.

Hal\'s eyes widened, 

"Melinda" he called but the golden-eyed beauty was already leaping backward just as the figure appeared with a fist straight through the after image she had left behind.

"Hmm," The figure was impressed, having not expected Hal to pinpoint who he was attacking. The girl was impressive too.

Then it vanished again and at a speed even faster than before, punched at Hal who despite not having time to predict his opponent\'s next attack, had raised his arms to defend his face and reinforced them as best he could without taking on the lesser Devil form.


Despite the figure being fast enough to change its choice of attack spot, it still hit those arms all the same...


...and the force of it pushed the arms into his face and broke his nose with an audible crack. His hands had not suffered much damage.

His assailant was obviously showcasing superiority in both strength and control of said strength.

If this mysterious figure were to get serious, Hal was not certain he and Melinda could win even with all their cards.

The blow to his face forced his head back and almost caused him to fall had he not executed an impressive spin that kept him on his feet. 

Or more accurately, on one knee.

As the blood flowed down his face, Hal narrowed his eyes at his enemy and Melinda was back at his side and assisting him to stand.

"Impressive. Simply Marvellous. But how can I expect anything less? You\'re the Devil after all"

Hal\'s eyes widened and Melinda\'s did as well. This person could not possibly know Hal was a Devil, could they?

"What are you talking about" 

Hal said in a clear tone of voice as his nose wound had already healed and it did not swell and hinder his speech.

The Black cloaked figure laughed loudly once again and said in their gender-neutral voice.

"Oh don\'t play coy with me. You\'re the Devil, aren\'t you? It\'s what you called yourself after killing the Holgers, is it not?"

Hal calmed down, as he noted that this person knew nothing about his Devil Bloodline. Merely referring to what he had once called himself.

Taking Hal\'s sudden quiet, after such a revelation, as shock, the Black cloaked figure continued, 

"Come on. It wasn\'t hard to figure out, especially after discovering how powerful a Runemaster you are. But to nickname yourself a Devil, while cool is a little ambitious, don\'t you think? That name carries with it a lot of expectations"

This time, Hal was quiet because he could note reverence in the Figure\'s words when referring to Devils and the Figure\'s next words made it even more clear, 

"Killing the Holgers was an impressive feat. It revitalized things as they were starting to get dull but to call yourself a Devil. What a sacrilege! How dare you!" The figure roared in anger.

The transition from what had seemed to be peaceful talk to this strong hostility was sudden but neither Hal nor Melinda were caught off guard and well prepared for another attack.

The figure sighed, 

"Everything has been going so well. You\'re the only unknown variable. Your actions throw things away from their path. It can be annoying but also quite interesting"

Hal took a deep breath and yelled, 


For the first time, there was surprise in the crimson eyes of the Black cloaked figure, 


Hal shrugged, 

"I said Bullshit. I have nothing to do with all you have said. Stop thinking that just because you are shrouded in mystery, you can say anything you want"

"So you deny it? You\'re that much of a coward"

"Since when does bring courageous require me to admit to what I haven\'t done" 

Hal had already decided to deny all these claims. While there was no need for \'proof\' when you want someone dead in this world, the fact that this individual had boasted about figuring out everything told Hal that killing him was not the aim today.

Easy as it would be to kill him, this Figure was more interested in being right. Without physical evidence, all that they had come up with was mere speculation.

Also, what about the Malevolent one? 

So far the cloaked figure had accused Hal of being \'The Devil\' and killing the Holgers but had not said a word about him being the Malevolent one and stealing from the confluence.

Hal smiled in his mind.

He was still being underestimated.

He could use that.

"Deny all you want but the evidence all points to you! Your master was not in his store on that day" The figure said.

Hal shrugged again, 

"Circumstantial evidence at best. Did you check to see if I was in my home on that day?" He asked with a smirk.

The figure was silent. 

It was true they had not checked for a mere apprentice.

"You see? Contrary to what you think, My master and I were here, practicing Runemastering. You have to admit that this place has more space than his store. It\'s more comfortable too. I believe he told you something similar when your dogs went to his store"

The figure was far from being convinced of Hal\'s innocence but now there was doubt.

"You have a private force. That much is clear. You were the one who interfered in the Plebeian assaults"

Hal sighed, 

"I don\'t deny that I am now training men of my own. As you can see (he gestured to Castor and the other guards) they are still improving. I am far from being the only one doing this. Suspect me all you want but once again, you cannot prove it. 

You\'re reaching, Cloakey"

The Figure blanked and then cackled, 

"Hahahaha. I don\'t need proof. My suspicion and superior strength are enough to convict you and... Kill you"

Hal clenched his fist and smiled forcefully, 

"I don\'t doubt that. So, why not go right ahead. Kill me!"

Melinda paused at this development and looked at him as she pulled his robe subtly as though to say \'what the hell are you doing?\'

Hal patted her hand in a comforting manner that calmed her before he continued,

"Kill me! Come on, don\'t waste time"

The figure\'s eyes widened, 

"I will!"

Hal smiled, 

"Of course you will. But when you do kill me, do it with the knowledge that you were wrong. You could not prove your claims"

The Figure snorted, 

"I can torture the truth out of you"

Hal smiled uncomfortably.

\'What is with you and taking risks?\' Grimoire berated.

\'This is my only hope. This opponent is much too overwhelming and I did not expect a confrontation so soon. I need time. Thankfully I still have my mouth\' Hal said.

\'That could very well be your downfall\' Grimoire said.

\'Or it could be my salvation\'

To the Cloaked figure, Hal said with melancholy, 

"Of course you can, but can you really call what you get from me through torture, Truth?

I mean I\'m guessing you are a very good torturer. The Spanish inquisition has got nothing on you so it is sure to very painful. I\'ll probably tell you anything to end that pain. 

Including implicating myself. So just know that whatever I say at that moment is absolutely false and only to free myself from your clutches"

The figure groaned and Hal could hear the gritting of teeth.

Then it bent and picked up Lillian from the ground, 

"It would be a shame to kill you right now. Things are getting interesting because of you. But do know this Hal Payne, whatever you do, you can never ruin my plans.

"Gladden yourself with figuring out the plans of those small flies and forever bite your nails in frustration at never knowing mine"

And with that the Figure left with Lillian, traveling so fast that they quickly escaped Hal\'s Astral perception range.

Hal watched them leave and grinned.

\'Idiot. I already know what you\'re planning\'

\'You mean you suspect it?\' Grimoire piped.

\'Yes. But unlike our cloaked friend, a suspicion is more than enough for me\'

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