Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 253 A Glimpse To The Headquarters' Life Part 1

"Before we proceed to the weapon\'s factory, there\'s someone I need to meet," Poul stated, striding alongside Jonathan.

Curiosity piqued, Jonathan inquired, "Who might that be?" However, as he observed the path they were taking, realization dawned on him. "Ah, I understand now."

The pair of industrialists entered the clinic, instantly assailed by the overpowering smell of disinfectant. The nurse who passed by them noticed the founders and paid her respects.

"Uhm, Mr. Nielsen, Mr. Axelsen. It\'s an honor to have you here," the nurse greeted them. "Are you perhaps looking for someone?" 

Poul nodded politely, acknowledging the nurse\'s greeting. "Where is Doctor Olsen?"

Poul\'s question caught the nurse off guard for a moment, but she quickly composed herself and replied, "Dr. Olsen is on her rounds at the moment. She\'s on the second floor if you two want to find her."

Poul thanked the nurse for the information and turned to Jonathan with a nod.

With that, they made their way to the second floor, climbing up the stairs all the while passing clinic staff. 

As they reached the second-floor landing, they found themselves in a quieter area of the clinic. 

A nurse passed by, her eyes widening with recognition. "Mr. Nielsen, Mr. Axelsen," she greeted them. "Are you searching for someone in particular?"

Poul nodded. "Yes, we\'re looking for Dr. Olsen. Have you seen her? The nurses down on the first floor said she last saw her here." 

"Ah…Doctor Olsen, she is in room 2116, just down the corridor," the nurse replied, pointing in the direction they needed to go. "She\'s conducting a consultation at the moment."

Poul and Jonathan thanked the nurse and followed her directions, walking briskly down the corridor until they reached room 2116.

"Why do you want to see Sara anyways?" Jonathan asked, looking at Poul. 

"Well, Sara and I have decided to go on a date tomorrow," Poul revealed. "You see, I have been busy with the campaigns and work in this company to the point that I don\'t even get proper time with Sara. Just like you are with Caroline. It\'s a man\'s need, and I\'m sure you understand that."

Jonathan chuckled, understanding the sentiment all too well. "I can definitely relate."

Arriving at the door of room 2116, Poul and Jonathan saw Sara along with the group of nurses surrounding a patient.

"Mr. Mueller, you suffered injuries for mishandling the acetylene torch," Dr. Olsen explained to the patient. "We are going to need to clean and dress the burns properly to prevent infection."

"Will I be able to return back to work, doctor?" Mueller asked, concern evident in his voice.

Dr. Olsen gently rested her hand on Mr. Mueller\'s shoulder, offering reassurance. "You will be able to, Mr. Mueller. We will do everything we can to ensure your swift recovery…Now, as for you nurses," Olsen turned around, facing the nurses. "I believe you know how to handle this case…Burns are one of the most frequent injuries the workers face in this company."

The nurses nodded in acknowledgment. They went about their tasks, preparing the necessary medical tools for dressing the wound.

Meanwhile, Sara noticed Poul and Jonathan standing by the door, and she waved her hand to catch their attention. Poul\'s face brightened with a smile as he saw Sara, and he waved back, gesturing for Jonathan to join him.

Sara excused herself from the group of nurses and approached the doorway where Poul and Jonathan stood. She gave them a warm hug.

"You two, I didn\'t expect you to come here. What brings you here?" Sara asked, looking at the two.

"Well, it\'s simple really, Sara. I wanted to see if you are doing fine. As you may know, all of us have been busy with our line of work. So I was wondering if our date tomorrow is still on," Poul replied with a gentle smile.

"Of course. I have freed my schedule for tomorrow just for that occasion," Sara replied. "Is that all?" 

"Well, it was until I saw your patient. Mind if I enter?" Poul asked. 

"I don\'t see the reason why not," Sara stepped aside and gestured for Poul and Jonathan to enter the room.

Poul and Jonathan stepped into the room, their gazes shifting to Mr. Mueller, who looked up with surprise as the two founders entered. 

"Mr. Nielsen…Mr. Axelsen…what are you doing here?" Mueller\'s eyes widened in disbelief as he recognized the company\'s founders standing before him.

"I\'m curious as to how you ended up here, Mr. Mueller. It\'s your name, isn\'t it?" Poul raised a brow.

"It is indeed, Mr. Nielsen."

"Mind telling us how you ended up here? I believe that every worker that applies to our company went through seminars to prevent accidents such as this." 

Mr. Mueller shifted uncomfortably in his hospital bed, his gaze drifting to the bandages covering his burned hands. After a moment of hesitation, he began to speak.

"Well, you see, gentlemen, I\'ve been working for your company for the past five years," Mr. Mueller started. "I take pride in my job, and I\'ve always followed the safety guidelines to the letter. But that day... that day was different."

Poul and Jonathan leaned in, giving their full attention to Mr. Mueller\'s story. They knew that understanding the details of his accident would provide valuable insights into their company\'s safety practices.

"I was assigned to a critical welding task," Mr. Mueller continued. "There was an urgent order, and we were pressed for time. I had to use the acetylene torch to weld two heavy metal pieces together."

He paused, gathering his thoughts, before he went on. "In my haste to meet the deadline, I neglected to perform a routine check on the torch\'s equipment. It was a foolish mistake, one that I regret deeply."

Poul and Jonathan clicked their tongues. Well, accidents may happen in their factories. But negligence was something they couldn\'t tolerate. 

"Well. Mr. Mueller, I think it\'s safe to assume that if you follow the safety guidelines and procedures properly, this incident could have been prevented," Jonathan stated disappointingly. "We have implemented extensive safety protocols and provided training to ensure the well-being of our workers. Neglecting those procedures puts not only yourself at risk but also your fellow colleagues."

"But we are not here to judge, the safety and the human resource department will review the incident and determine the appropriate course of action based on the company\'s policies and guidelines," Poul added and shifted his gaze to Sara who had been listening to their exchange. "Well, Dr. Olsen, we will leave you as Jonathan and I have to be somewhere." 

"See you tomorrow I guess?" Sara grinned. 

"Yup," Poul confirmed and patted Jonathan on the arm. "Let\'s go Jonathan." 

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