Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 434

It could mean only one thing. Jun Ye Rim spied Vincent while he was in his bedroom or the dressing room whilst changing clothes and wrapping the bandage to hide his hero mark.

Those were the only two places he removed the bandage as he sometimes washed with the bandage on.

[Ohh no! Jun Ye Rim has discovered who you are! Is that why she was sleeping with Ming Xiao Fan? To secretly plot a way to kill us?]

[Wait! The food! Was your food poisoned? You ate the food recently, so it might affect you soon. Hurry and check your condition.]

Vincent ate a lot, but not to the point of feeling bloated. He checked his stats urgently since his wives, and little Plow would be more poisoned than him.

However, there was nothing. Vincent wasn’t poisoned.

Jun Ye Rim frowned and took another step back as if she wanted to escape, but her back touched a tree. Jun Ye Rim couldn’t keep moving backward with the tree blocking her retreat.

“Where are you trying to escape Jun Ye Rim. For you to know so much about me means you spied on me. Even in my bed. The most sacred place between a husband and wives.” Vincent said.


Vincent frowned, and he felt angry, yet he couldn’t get mad while watching Jun Ye Rim look so frightened of him.

Instead of feeling furious for being stalked, spied upon, and worried his mortal secret was discovered, Vincent felt relieved Kazumi’s horrible guess of poisoning didn’t come to fruition.

Nonetheless, something drastic had to happen with Jun Ye Rim as his life, his wives’ lives, and the lives of the Emerald Lionheart Residence were at stake.

Vincent knew a day like this might come, but it arrived earlier than expected. He didn’t have time to plan ahead, nor anyone nearby to help him stall to gather the right decision.

Jun Ye Rim shook her head vigorously and responded nervously, “N-no I... I didn’t see your private matters at night... I will only see my future husband... n... nude...”

[Hmm. This sounds a bit strange, to be honest. Isn’t Jun Ye Rim banging Ming Xiao Fan? Or did I become accustomed too much?]

[But. If Jun Ye Rim isn’t banging Ming Xiao Fan, then why were they meeting in secret? The matter remains suspicious and dangerous.]

Vincent rubbed his chin and started pondering with Kazumi.

If Jun Ye Rim wasn’t secretly meeting with Ming Xiao Fan, then what were they doing, and why were they speaking in a cryptic manner?

Was it possible Jun Ye Rim didn’t reveal the secret, and she met with Ming Xiao Fan because he is an elf that didn’t condemn her for being a Soulmancer?

Jun Ye Rim suddenly placed her hands on Vincent’s shoulders. She moved the pondering Vincent and switched her position with his. Vincent had his back against the tree while Jun Ye Rim could escape.

However, Jun Ye Rim didn’t attempt to escape. Instead, she placed her hand on Vincent’s chest and began speaking words similar to a chant. It was a spell she secretly learned from Ming Xiao Fan after hours of research.

“O pure spirits, heed my becking call of cleanliness. Cleanse the wicked soul inhabiting the body of this unfortunate being. Purge the evil soul clinging on to the mortal plane to save the body from possession.”

Vincent felt a soothing warm touch, so he became confused about what Jun Ye Rim was trying to do. Vincent thought Jun Ye Rim was trying to return his soul to Earth since she revealed his secret of being a person from another world.

[Vincent... ARGH! I feel pain...]


However, it became clear what Jun Ye Rim was trying to do when Kazumi felt pain. Not to mention why Jun Ye Rim spoke as if the body had an evil being inside.

Jun Ye Rim somehow figured out Kazumi was in his body, and she was possibly trying to kill her by cleansing.

Vincent became furious and grabbed her arm. He tried to push her away from him, but the hand was stuck to his chest as if an invisible force kept the hand connected to his chest.

“You crazy bitch! Stop chanting the spell! You’re hurting her!” Vincent shouted while extruding all his dominating intent on Jun Ye Rim.

Nothing worked regardless of how much intent tried to pressure Jun Ye Rim into submission. Even if Jun Ye Rim’s body trembled with fear and her breathing became irregular, her resolve to purify Kazumi was strong enough to remain standing.

“No! The evil soul in.” *Huff* “Your body must be purged!” *Huff*

Hearing these words. Hearing how Jun Ye Rim was dead set to remove Kazumi from his body permanently caused his parents to appear on his mind.

The loss was devastating, and Vincent didn’t want to experience the feeling of loss again. Not the loss of someone he bonded with for so long. Kazumi needed to be saved no matter the cost.

“Overheat!” Vincent grabbed her arm and pressed tightly. *Crack* The more he closed his grip, the more of her bones began to shatter.

However, no matter the state of the arm and the blood seeping from the wound, the hand remained stuck to his chest.

Jun Ye Rim didn’t scream nor cry. Her remained eyes filled with the determination to complete the chant. The determination to remove the second soul from Vincent was unshakable.

[Ahh... Vincent...]

Vincent tried to move, yet he felt rooted to the ground. Vincent couldn’t push Jun Ye Rim away as she was stuck on to him.

Two options remained on the table. Convince or kill Jun Ye Rim.

“Jun Ye Rim! Stop this now! Why do you want to kill the soul living inside me so badly? She isn’t an evil being.” Vincent tried to convince Jun Ye Rim to stop, yet the process continued as if his words went from one ear and exited the other.

Jun Ye Rim finally showed a different reaction, but it wasn’t one of pain. It was a kind, warm smile. “Do not worry.” *Huff* “I will save you. You will be free from being possessed by an evil spirit.” She said all of a sudden.

*Vincent’s Soul Domain*

[I don’t think I can hold much longer... my mana is disappearing, and my form is losing its balance...]

[Argh... I never thought I would feel pain again unless I had a body...]

Tears slid on her face. They were tears of regret. She didn’t get to walk on her two feet before her death while holding hands with Vincent.

*Crack!* Kazumi turned her gaze. The two eggs hatched, and two huge green mist-like monsters appeared. One had a giant wolf’s shape, while the other had a giant buttery-like wasp.

[What is that! Wolfie? Freerie? No, what are you... don’t come close. No!]

*Living World*

This was the last message Vincent heard from Kazumi before the two similar beings made of glittery green dust rushed toward Kazumi.

“Kazumi! Kazumi! Please talk to me!” Vincent felt regretful for not killing Jun Ye Rim before Kazumi might have died.

Vincent glared at Jun Ye Rim. He wanted to kill her when he remembered the elven rule.

“You have to marry a person that touched you? Isn’t that right?” Vincent grabbed her top and ripped it, revealing her ample chest. Vincent thought it wasn’t enough. He grabbed her skirt and ripped it as well. “I am your man now! Chose quickly woman who must become my woman! Stop the spell or die by my hands!”

“It is fine. This pain is nothing compared to the pain of being possessed by an evil soul.” *Huff* “The evil soul from another world will not order you to do bad things like I heard her say.” *Huff* “The soul tempting you to do bad things to others will not bother you again.” *Huff* “I will not let another person get possed by evil souls. Hate me if you want, but you will feel...”

“You idiot! Both of us are from another world! And a peaceful one at that! I managed to save Kazumi and give her a place to live inside me without being so-called possessed because I am the Soul Hero! I thought you didn’t see or hear Kazumi because you never talked about it, but now it seems you played us. Didn’t you?” Vincent revealed his identity out of anger.

Jun Ye Rim froze. His word shocked her entire being.

“Jun Ye Rim. As the elven rules states, you are mine.” Vincent let go of her broken arm and continued, “Please stop. I need to see if I can still save Kazumi’s life. She is the only being left in this world that knows everything about me. Her loss will break me the most. Like when my parents left me alone in the world.”

A tear welled in Jun Ye Rim’s eyes. She remembered the only person who didn’t hate her, dying before her eyes after being possessed by an evil spirit.

Her grandmother was a woman locked in the prison under their home. Like Jun Ye Rim, she also was a Soulmancer and a shame to the family.

The young Jun Ye Rim had no choice but to secretly meet her grandmother after a tiny flying ghostly snake appeared one day.

Later, her grandmother taught the young Jun Ye Rim how to create excuses like being sickly or acting distant, even when saying what she wanted. This was how Jun Ye Rim became a loner, bashful young girl until it was time to enroll in the elven academy and her class became discovered.

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