Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 66 The Coffin Of The Ancients!

The Black Camp was the part of the Obedin City Army that was designated for addressing the problems of new privates in the army.

Like the other privates that were just addressed by the Sergeant, Rex went to the Black Camp where he was assigned to a military team.

The military teams in the army were made up of at least 5 soldiers.

Rex was assigned to a team called the Death Card team, the team already had a powerful team leader in the form of Justin, a private who came to the army a year before Rex\'s arrival.

The Death Card team was among the top 10 best private rank teams in the army, and Rex was assigned to it only because of his performance in the evaluation test by Sergeant Stones.

Turan was also assigned to a similarly powerful team due to his performance, while the others were spread randomly among the other private teams.

Once he was designated to a team, Rex received his army identity card before he followed the directions to his team\'s camp.

The rules of the army said that once you were designated to a team, you were obligated to stay with them as the next 6 months of your life in the army would be spent alongside your teammates.

Like all other teams, the camp of the Death Camp team was in the massive green field that encompassed a large part in the middle of the army base.

The team camped in a smart AOS tent.

AOS was the short form for Advanced Operating Systems and was more or less the Android of the age of awakening. The smart tent offered a lot of uses to its users as it was completely computerized.

At this time of the day in the late hours of the morning, Justin already gathered every member of the Death Card team in the tent as they awaited the arrival of their new member.

Once Rex arrived, he was introduced to his 5 teammates, Merry, Antonia, Antonio, Gundogan, and Justin who was the team leader.

Of his 5 teammates, Rex paid attention to the blonde-haired Justin more. From the little that he could see, Justin was definitely a few levels higher than him in mystic energy capacity which validated his team leader status.

None of his teammates gave him a hard time, they all welcomed him harmoniously though Rex did not fail to notice the competitiveness among them.

Due to his achievement in the graduation tournament, every one of his teammates knew him and some saw him as a kind of hurdle to surpass.

Due to the army\'s policy of eviction or promotion due to growth and performance in 6 months, the army was always in a competitive state as the soldiers strived to grow and outperform their counterparts.

The Death Card team was no different but Justin was fast to clarify some things. "Welcome to the Death Card team, Rex".

"In our team, we are foremost teammates before competitors".

"We\'ll be assigned missions together; we\'ll fight and die together so I expect all of us to get along. The faster we create some chemistry the better for us".

"Remember, this is a brotherhood".

"I won\'t say more, rest for now before accessing the training systems of the army". Justin grinned. "You\'ll thank me later".

With that, everything was settled as Rex easily integrated into the team. Inside the smart AOS tent was big enough to seem like a mini house, Rex had more than enough space to rest his back for a few hours.

Rex slept for 2 hours before waking up as he finally got to access the advanced training systems that the army provided for its soldiers.

Rex was exposed to such advanced training methods here that he had only ever seen in movies and adverts, and he finally understood the advantages that the privileged students enjoyed. He was glad he made it into the army.

In the training ground, Rex got to meet Cassandra and her teammates as like usual, they made up and started training together.

Like almost every other soldier, Rex and Cassandra were determined not to be evicted out of the army so they were determined to train like maniacs.

In 6 months, Rex wanted to look back and be proud of how much he grew.

Rex and Cassandra trained for a few hours before they took a break to rest. After washing up, they visited the army\'s library as they started reading about the history of Obedin City Army and some rules that they needed to take note of.

By the time they left the library, the day was already dark. Both friends bid farewell as Cassandra finally left back to her team\'s tent.

Rex didn\'t return to his team\'s tent immediately though, instead, once he discovered that Cassandra was gone, he walked towards the army\'s forest reserve.

Once Rex entered the forest, he repeatedly confirmed that he was not followed nor was he being recorded before he went deep inside it.

After going deep enough, Rex sat cross-legged on the bare forest floor and took a deep breath.

For the first time, Rex used his Death Daggers to pass the test. When he held the pair of daggers, his system revealed their stats to him and this was when his curiosity about the packages that he got from his blood tome was aroused.

"System give me every information about the Blood Tome".


[Blood Tome, Oath of the Ancients!]

[Bonded Owner: Rex Vector!]

Rarity: Extremely Rare

Requirement: 200 Combined Stats

[Mystic Effects: Blood Drain; Life Drain- Killing Touch; Freezing Touch- Freezing, Phasing- Short-range Teleportation.]

[Blood Tome Martial Techniques: Touch of Death; Ancient Legendary Sword Style- Death!]

[Blood Tome Token: Coffin of the Ancients; Death Daggers- Upgradable!]

[Locked! Become a Vampire Knight to access more of the Blood Tome!]

[Death Daggers!]

[Bonded Warrior: Rex Vector!]

[Quality: Upgradable!]

[Coffin of the Ancients!]

[Bonded Warrior: ???]

[Quality: Upgradable!]

Rarity: Extremely Rare

Requirement: 400 Combined Stats

[Mystic Effects: Humanoid Transformation; Beast Transformation!]

[The Coffin of the Ancients was the deathbed where Orion Vector\'s body was laid to rest before the enemies took him. They took him, but the coffin was retrieved and it mutated.]

[Through the powers of the upgrade, the Coffin developed a strange transformation ability and thus became an heirloom of the Ancient Vector family.]

[Humanoid Transformation: When a recently dead or half-dead humanoid creature is placed inside the coffin and is supplied with mystic energy, the coffin can randomly transform them into pure bloodline humanoids.]

[Beast Transformation: When a recently dead or half-dead mystic beast is placed inside the coffin and is supplied with mystic energy, the coffin can randomly transform them into pure bloodline mystic beasts.]

[Transformation % is below 20%, and the difficulty of transformation increases with the rank of the target of transformation.]

[Mystic Stones can be offered to increase the rate of transformation.]

[Current Humanoid Transformation Slot: 1]

[Current Beast Transformation Slot: 2]

[NOTE: All transformed creatures are always loyal to you!]

[Does Host want to bond with the Coffin now?]

[Requirement: Host\'s blood!]


"…Damn!" This was Rex\'s reaction after reading everything.

Though after seeing the Death Daggers, Rex was confident that the Coffin of the Ancients was probably going to be impressive, he was once again proven wrong as this coffin was not just impressive but it was super OP.

After the age of awakening, apart from harnessing mystic energy, humans mutated as they started awakening special bloodlines like the vampire bloodline.

Rex was a vampire already but in a literal sense, he was just a half-vampire since he still retained all his humanoid traits.

Pure blood humanoids were those that shed away every shred of humanity to embrace the power of the bloodlines. Theoretically, pureblood humanoids were stronger than normal humans since their bloodline powers were purer.

As for pure blood beasts, it was more or less the same.

The arrival of the Mystic Beasts was what catalyzed the age of awakening. The original beasts that invaded earth then were called the pure blood beasts.

A lot of the mystic beasts today were normal beasts who took in a lot of the prevailing mystic energy in the atmosphere and mutated.

Pure blood beasts were those who descended directly from the original beasts. They were far stronger and more dangerous than regular mystic beasts.

The ability of this coffin to transform normal humans and beasts into purebloods was completely priceless. Rex could just imagine how powerful he would be when he could finally access the abilities of this coffin.

To access it, his combined stats needed to clock 400 first.

Once again, Rex was exposed to the greatness of the Ancient Vector family. Rex did not hesitate after seeing his system notification, he cut his fingers with his dagger as he let his blood drip down on the pale white coffin.

Once the blood touched the coffin, a weird reaction started as the surface of the coffin started squirming like it was made of living tissue.

The scene was extremely spooky but Rex endured till the process ended.

[Congratulations! You have bonded with the Coffin of the Ancients!]

Just like the Blood Tome itself, Sebastian finally bonded with another OP treasure that he could not use at the moment due to his lacking stat points.

All the skills in the Blood Tome were greyed out in his system, and would probably only become available to him once he got 200 combined stat points.

After the bond was completed, Rex was glad, he was about to just lay down there on the forest floor and feel the embrace of the earth but his AOS smartphone rang a notification to him the next moment.

>Hi Rex, come to the tent, our team just received a new mission<

>Sender: Justin<

On seeing that, Rex stood up and cleaned his body before leaving.

Faraway in mid-earth, in a dark world that was filled with shadows, hovered 3 massive eyeballs. The eyeballs were greyed out as they seemed to be asleep.

Back in rim earth, after a certain 18-year-old bonded with a coffin, a ripple spread through this silent dark world as all 3 eyeballs suddenly opened at the same time as they seemed to glare through space and time.

"…Orion Vector".

"…The Coffin of the Ancients".

"…The last inheritor".

The 3 eyeballs widened to the limit as they glared through the darkness.

"…Decicion Eliminatus!"

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